A Work At Home Mom






Welcome To A Work At Home Mom


You probably stumbled upon this blog post because, like many people, it is your dream to earn a lucrative income with a great work at home opportunity.

I can teach you how to make money online but then it’s up to you to do the hard work and put in the hours required to achieve success.

Are you up for the task?

My Story

Hi, I’m Sunny and I’m a work at home mom. I am so glad you found us here at A Work At Home Mom.

I can save you so much time and stress with getting your blog up and running the proper way right from the get go.

I can help you reach your success goals much faster than I reached mine.

I was just like you at one time in my life. I knew I wanted to work at home and raise my own kids but I had no idea how to get started.

I put a website up on the web and started blogging and waited for visitors to come to my site.

Heck, visitors not only never came to my site, no-one even knew I had a site.

You see, there are some specifics that have to be followed in order to ever get traffic on your website but I didn’t know a thing about that when I started my first site and that’s where I can help you.

Why Do I Want To Help You

Just call it “paying it forward”. You see I have been so blessed with my endeavors of working from home that I want to give back.

I have helped many other mom bloggers achieve financial freedom through their work from home mom blogs and I want to do the same for you.

I hate watching mom bloggers struggle to get their sites up and running just to see them eventually fail.

A little information can go a long ways and a lot of information can mean total success for you.

Getting Started

When I first started blogging I thought it was a simple thing that anyone could just do on a whim.

Well yes, anyone can do it but for most it will just sit there taking up space on the internet with no one ever viewing it except you.

work at homeWorking from home and making money online can be a lonely job.

When I was learning the business I went without sleep at times and even forgot to eat at times It gets better and easier as time goes by.

Getting your website set up and content posted takes a lot of time plus learning the ends and outs of social media marketing is crucial to your business and getting visitors to your website.

I had been blogging about a year before I started to get any traffic at all to my blog and after a couple of years of blogging,

I finally managed to reach a comfortable level of success.

Once you reach this level in your blog life it will continue to grow if you continue to keep it fresh and it will get easier to manage.

I have to tell you, it didn’t come easy for me in the beginning. The learning curve is massive.

Most of my money was made from affiliate marketing. There are many companies that offer affiliate programs.

Most are fairly easy to set up and pay a pretty nice commission. You’ find more about this on another page in my site.

My Goals

Of course my number one goal here at A Work At Home Mom is to keep making money online, but I also have another goal here.

I got a lot of help from so many people when I was learning this business. Most were so kind and generous with sharing their knowledge.

When I would ask for help they would usually say, “don’t worry. there’s enough here for all of us”.

I really appreciated all that help and now that I’ve “made it” I just want to pay it forward. I’ve always believed that way, when you’re given a gift and things get better, help someone else in need.

It is a goal with this blog to teach each and every mom who dreams of staying home and caring for their family, how to work at home and make money.

That is my mission.

finding your nicheI will teach you how to find your niche. That’s what you want your site to be about. It’s your passion. I’ll show you how to find hosting and set-up your website.

I’ll show you how to choose the right kind of themes and how to customize them. I will also get into the proper way to blog and how often.

We will also get into SEO or search engine optimization. This will help get visitors to your site. website optimization is one of the most important things you can do for your site.

Other things you’ll need to know about are, the use of keywords and the role they play in search engine optimization as well as the role that social media plays. there are so many aspects to creating a successful blog.

It all takes time and patience. Don’t try to rush the process. You have to study and learn each step. If you try to skip any of the steps, you will surely fail.

Another very important step to a successful blog is content. Content is KING as the saying goes. This is a very big deal for bloggers.

You get your site all set-up and write your first page. Then comes time to write a blog. You sit at your computer staring at the page wondering what to write.

Writers block becomes a problem for almost every new blogger at one time or another.

We have solutions for that as well. Using keywords and outlining your post first with keywords will help you get your posts started.

All these words are not meant to discourage but instead they are meant to encourage. If you know what is coming it seems so much easier to handle when you get to it. I will be right here to help you all the way.

As I said in the beginning, I am here to pay it forward.

Don’t ever hesitate to contact me if I can help you. You can contact me via the comment form below or on the contact page of this website.

Sunny @ oneworkathomemom.com