
I am so glad you stopped by our website.

My home is my office but it’s not all work and no play.

I love my job and my main goal is to help others who’s dream is to work from home as well.

We’ll talk more about that in my blog

A Mom Working From Home

What We Do

Hi, Fran here!

I’m a work at home mom.  I love being able to stay at home and still make money for all the little extras we enjoy. I make money online

working from home and what I do is called affiliate marketing.  I am an online marketer.

I promote products for companies and when products sell through a link on my website, I make a commission at no extra cost at all to the


Now, I don’t do any sales work at all, or any product storage, and I don’t even do any shipping. What I do, is write honest reviews about the

products I promote and when visitors to my website click on a link and buy the product, I make a commission at absolutely no additional cost to

the customer.  Easy, peasy, right?

If this sounds like something you’ like to try, you can get started for free with 10 free training classes and a free websites.  You have nothing to

loose as you don’t even need to use a credit card.




More About A Work At  Home Mom


As a full time blogger here at A Work At Home Mom, it’s my goal and my passion to help my blog visitors learn how to create a better life

through blogging and enjoy the things that really matter.

Part of the process of helping my readers/visitors is helping you to properly get your own blog set up and running.  No matter whether you are

wanting to blog for income or just to keep in touch and share photos, news and other things with friends and family, I can help get you started.

When I first started blogging I made so many mistakes.  I actually had a beautiful website.  It was so perfect to look at but what I didn’t know was

the look of your website is about the least important of anything on the site.

The most important thing on your website will be the content that you write.  You’ll need to learn how to research and use keywords properly as

well as optimizing your site for search engines so that they will bring your site traffic.

Of course this won’t matter much to you if you are only going to use your site to share with family and friends.  You’ get that traffic to your site just

by word of mouth.

If you are going to be blogging for income, you’ll want to give some thought to what your site is going to be about.  Is there something that you’re

passionate about.  Do you love to cook or bake?  Knit or Crochet?  Fashion?

Whatever you choose your site to be about is called your “niche”.  Your niche should be be something you know a lot about or something you

would like to know a lot about.

Remember that I mentioned above that the most important thing on your site is the content you write?  It would be hard to write a lot of content

about something you care nothing about, unless it is something you really want to learn about.  You can do a lot of content writing about what you

are learning through your research.

We’ll be blogging a lot more on how to get your blog up and running and earning some money for you but do understand it usually takes around

six to eight months to get your website to the point of making money,

Yes, some people have started making money in a month or two but that is a long ways from the norm.  There are a lot of scammers out there that

will make claims that they can get you making thousands in days but it’s just not true.  Claims like that are your first clue that it is a scam.

I do know that the one place that you can find all the right training to get you making money in the quickest way is at Wealthy Affiliate.  I’ve been

a member for over two years and this is where I learned everything I know about making money online.  If you would like to take a look at

Wealthy Affiliate, It’s free for a starter membership with some free training a free websites.  They will not ask for a credit card.


You can click the link below to take a look.